Monday, February 11, 2013


This cartoon depicts a lot about what americans think the border is like.  But this is just not true, a lot of people don't realize that immigrants many times die on the journey to America.  This cartoon depicts that American government just gives away tJobs, Education, Healthcare away easily.  Which is just not true, Immigrants often find jobs more easily not due to us giving them way, but because they look for them. They also often take jobs that would otherwise not be taken.  Such as cleaning, construction, and other jobs that people born in America often do not want.

Immigration in the past

Prop 187 in California was a huge turning point in Americas view of Immigrants.  It shows the distaste for Immigrants being brought into American Culture.  The fact is that immigrants who have stayed in the US Illegally pay more taxes then they will ever receive.  They still pay income tax, sales tax, and all other taxes, yet they cannot reap the benefits either.  I think the distaste for these so called "illegals" comes from our fear of the unknown.  America has always been a place for prospect, but now that we feel entitled to things just for being American, we feel that we have earned that right, and are afraid of people taking them away.  Because Americans are seen as the best, at least by themselves, they feel threatened by people who work harder for less.  Immigrants although may have done something illegal (but who hasn't?) do not feel  as entitled so they are willing to work harder.  But because they work harder, does that give us the right to hate them?