Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What business is saying about the new immigration reform proposal

According to Bloomberg Business Week, this new immigration reform act will limit the amount of jobs "Real Americans can have."  This amuses and angers me at the same time, the fact that a actual news source believes that this is what is going to come from this immigration reform is angering.  Yet it amuses me that people can be so ignorant.  In the article by Elizabeth Dwaskin it states that the increase in visas for engineers, scientist, mathematics, doctors etc.  will be so great that it will meet all the jobs in the entire industry leaving no room for "Real Americans" to get jobs.  Well if we truly living in a Capitalistic society like businesses want, then these "Real Americans" should be able to compete with anyone in order to obtain the job they want.  She also emphasizes that the visas will practically be giving away like they are goodie bags.  this is simply untrue, compared tot the amount of immigrants who work in these fields and would like to move to the US in order for a better life is still a small fraction of the amount of visas being given.  This idea that Immigrants are taking American jobs is one of the largest arguments about a more open door policy.  Although we are technically a capitalistic society, when it comes to actually having to work harder in order to keep our jobs then all the sudden we want to be a socialistic country.  MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Immigration, not just hispanics

Since the devastating 9/11/11 immigration has taken a drastic hit, but not just from hispanics.  I read a book Jaguar by Paul Stoller.  It is a fiction novel of African Americans who come here without the proper documentation and what they do to survive in america.  It opened my eyes to how hard it is to be an immigrant in America.  The thing that stood out to me that I never realized before is how much of an obligation Immigrants have to their families back home.   Often people expect that Immigrants come here and work for cheap and live the dream.  Yet often times this is not the case.  These immigrants usually send over a good portion of all the money they make in the US to their family back home.  So the amount of money they make, they only live on a fraction of it.  Immigrants come here and are forced to assimilate in order to fit in, yet they still don't fit in.  They are discriminated against on a regular basis, for what reason? Because they were born somewhere else?  In this book I saw the journey of a man who came to the US looking for a better life, he made his living by selling knockoffs of designer purses, he sent home 200 dollars a week to his family in Niger.  He never got to see his family again because he couldn't get legal status in America.  He was spit on for doing his morning prayers, and told he wasn't good enough to be American by others.  His life was far from a walk in the park, and he wasn't treated like a human being often times.

Immigration, the big topic issue for the 2016 Presidential Election

Marcco Rubio a Republican Representative from Florida is being faced with the pressure of a potential Presidential Nomination.  With Immigration taking a back burner to Obama, it looks like this will be  a big ticket issue.   Rubio has in the past worked dedicatedly to improving the working conditions of farmers, protecting them from the harsh chemical pesticides they were working with.  Most of the employees of these farms are Hispanic, and Rubio has past worked on their human rights.  He hasn't come right out and said his ideas for immigration reform.  As the only Hispanic Republican working on the Reform bill, many eyes are on him.  He is split between two different options,make a splash and come out with new reform ideas, or lay low.  If he decides to make a splash with new immigration reform then he could loose his presidential nomination, yet he would pic up some democratic followers.  Much like Mitt Romney I think he will choose to lay low.  In order to get the presidential nomination Romney had to change his stance on Immigration in order to fit the Republican mold, and Rubio may do the same.