Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What business is saying about the new immigration reform proposal

According to Bloomberg Business Week, this new immigration reform act will limit the amount of jobs "Real Americans can have."  This amuses and angers me at the same time, the fact that a actual news source believes that this is what is going to come from this immigration reform is angering.  Yet it amuses me that people can be so ignorant.  In the article by Elizabeth Dwaskin it states that the increase in visas for engineers, scientist, mathematics, doctors etc.  will be so great that it will meet all the jobs in the entire industry leaving no room for "Real Americans" to get jobs.  Well if we truly living in a Capitalistic society like businesses want, then these "Real Americans" should be able to compete with anyone in order to obtain the job they want.  She also emphasizes that the visas will practically be giving away like they are goodie bags.  this is simply untrue, compared tot the amount of immigrants who work in these fields and would like to move to the US in order for a better life is still a small fraction of the amount of visas being given.  This idea that Immigrants are taking American jobs is one of the largest arguments about a more open door policy.  Although we are technically a capitalistic society, when it comes to actually having to work harder in order to keep our jobs then all the sudden we want to be a socialistic country.  MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE!

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