Friday, May 3, 2013

Immigration in Austrailia

Australia used to be like America  a land for people to easily immigrate too without persecution.  Many Chinese, Italian, and African populations made the journey to Australia to avoid religious persecution.  But now like America it is filling up, and they are beginning to close their borders.  Australia is rich in minerals and the economy is doing relatively well.  So people are still interested in joining the country.  Yet There are now people who say they do not deserve to.  And the people who have lived there for generations are not real Australians is they are not of British decent. Many say the Asian population refuses to assimilate and learn the language in order to survive and are creating their own networks of people of similar decent, and this helps them to not assimilate.  Much like America there is debate on how immigration should be handled.  Many say they should close their borders completely in order to keep the Asian populations mainly out of Australia.  Where as some say that Immigration is what Australia is biased on.  I was watching a documentary on some Australian women who travels around the globe and people always ask her where she is from, she always states she is from Australia then people say, no where are you originally from, which in turn becomes a complicated question because her ancestry is scattered.  People have this idea of what a Australian should look like just like people have this idea of what an American should look like, yet with globalization and immigration that is changing, yet the stereotypes are not. 

Boston Bombing and how it affect immirgation

Two very big things happened to America in a relatively shot period of time.  The Immigration Reform Bill was given to the public and the tragic Boston Bombing occured.  Due to one of the Alleged bombers being a documented immigrant, there is some debate if reform is really even a positivity.  Many voters and politicians alike are wondering how this terrorist made it though our strict immigration process  legally.  And if they can do it cant anyone?  The difference is that all signs at this point lead the him being just a normal American Immigrant working and whatnot until after he was accepted into the US.  Leads say that he met a mysterious man and spent all his time with him, then took a trip to where they train terrorists, and planed it after that.  May people are saying now that our immigration system is too lax as is and the way to reform it is to make it stricter, and harder for anyone to immigrate.  The issue with this is if we make it even stricter and harder to get into the United States then the amount of people who immigrate without proper documentation will increase greatly.  This then will lead to ICE having an unimaginable task of keeping America "safe."  If someone wants to get into the US that bad they will, or they will die trying.  But if we tighten the reins on immigration even more rather then helping it would only hurt us.  Because like my professor Nuno stated, most terrorist will not pass through immigration legally, they will do it rather illegally.  And if we do have so much more undocumented immigrants ICE will be too busy deporting and prosecuting the nannies, maid, mothers, father, gardeners etc. to be able to find the terrorist, or the ones that actually a threat to America.  this then will make America even more unsafe.  Plus all signs lead to him being a normal law abiding citizen when he was admitted to America, and then was lured into terroisic movements.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What business is saying about the new immigration reform proposal

According to Bloomberg Business Week, this new immigration reform act will limit the amount of jobs "Real Americans can have."  This amuses and angers me at the same time, the fact that a actual news source believes that this is what is going to come from this immigration reform is angering.  Yet it amuses me that people can be so ignorant.  In the article by Elizabeth Dwaskin it states that the increase in visas for engineers, scientist, mathematics, doctors etc.  will be so great that it will meet all the jobs in the entire industry leaving no room for "Real Americans" to get jobs.  Well if we truly living in a Capitalistic society like businesses want, then these "Real Americans" should be able to compete with anyone in order to obtain the job they want.  She also emphasizes that the visas will practically be giving away like they are goodie bags.  this is simply untrue, compared tot the amount of immigrants who work in these fields and would like to move to the US in order for a better life is still a small fraction of the amount of visas being given.  This idea that Immigrants are taking American jobs is one of the largest arguments about a more open door policy.  Although we are technically a capitalistic society, when it comes to actually having to work harder in order to keep our jobs then all the sudden we want to be a socialistic country.  MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Immigration, not just hispanics

Since the devastating 9/11/11 immigration has taken a drastic hit, but not just from hispanics.  I read a book Jaguar by Paul Stoller.  It is a fiction novel of African Americans who come here without the proper documentation and what they do to survive in america.  It opened my eyes to how hard it is to be an immigrant in America.  The thing that stood out to me that I never realized before is how much of an obligation Immigrants have to their families back home.   Often people expect that Immigrants come here and work for cheap and live the dream.  Yet often times this is not the case.  These immigrants usually send over a good portion of all the money they make in the US to their family back home.  So the amount of money they make, they only live on a fraction of it.  Immigrants come here and are forced to assimilate in order to fit in, yet they still don't fit in.  They are discriminated against on a regular basis, for what reason? Because they were born somewhere else?  In this book I saw the journey of a man who came to the US looking for a better life, he made his living by selling knockoffs of designer purses, he sent home 200 dollars a week to his family in Niger.  He never got to see his family again because he couldn't get legal status in America.  He was spit on for doing his morning prayers, and told he wasn't good enough to be American by others.  His life was far from a walk in the park, and he wasn't treated like a human being often times.

Immigration, the big topic issue for the 2016 Presidential Election

Marcco Rubio a Republican Representative from Florida is being faced with the pressure of a potential Presidential Nomination.  With Immigration taking a back burner to Obama, it looks like this will be  a big ticket issue.   Rubio has in the past worked dedicatedly to improving the working conditions of farmers, protecting them from the harsh chemical pesticides they were working with.  Most of the employees of these farms are Hispanic, and Rubio has past worked on their human rights.  He hasn't come right out and said his ideas for immigration reform.  As the only Hispanic Republican working on the Reform bill, many eyes are on him.  He is split between two different options,make a splash and come out with new reform ideas, or lay low.  If he decides to make a splash with new immigration reform then he could loose his presidential nomination, yet he would pic up some democratic followers.  Much like Mitt Romney I think he will choose to lay low.  In order to get the presidential nomination Romney had to change his stance on Immigration in order to fit the Republican mold, and Rubio may do the same.  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gay Rights

In the media today all we hear about is gay rights, look on twitter-gay rights, Facebook you see your stream blowing up about gay rights.  This is at the for front of Americas mind due to prop 8.  Now dont get me wrong I am a huge advocate for gay rights, and believe that everyone should get the right to marry the person they were meant to be with.  But this explosion of gay rights has placed immigration and other issues on the back burner.  The media goes into waves of issues, Gay rights, before that Gun control, this pattern has been occurring for years, and years.  But my question is what causes it, what causes people to stand up and care.  A lot of it is social media, when people start making a fuss, and sharing posts then the media sees it, and takes notice.  For instance gay rights have been a long discussed topic that cause a lot of heat for some people.  But gay rights became large when people started making a fuss about it.  The Supreme Court hears quite a few cases, but we only hear about a few of them.  What makes us hear about then today is our social media, our tweets, posts, instagrams all allow us to have our voices heard.  The media has taken a lot of notice because of how much attention their viewers have put on their own personal social media sites.  The media takes notice of its audience, if it didnt care and dint want to put a spin on things then it would be CSPAN.  CNN, Fox, Newsweek, etc, all care about ratings, so they will give the audience what they want.
     Gay rights is a civl rights movement, and I think the next should be Immigration.  As of now we do not give either of these body of people the rights they deserve, because they are different.  But how do we make people see this?  By Social Media, if we start making a stink and letting our voices heard then we can make a difference.  The media will see what America wants, and talk about it, which in turn will pressure legislation to take notice as well.  Lets get this train started!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

1st generations

My father is a first generation American, who originally came here undocumented to the US.  He now is a US citizen who has full legal rights in the US.  People say that there are bad immigrants and good immigrants in society, and if you come here without passing all of the tests first then that makes you bad.  Yet we make this test so difficult it is almost impossible to pass, that is the main reason my father came here without taking it.  By these people definition of what good immigrants are and bad immigrants are he is bad, he is an illegal.  Yet I promise you my father has worked side by side with these people and no one would ever have suspected him of being a first generation illegal immigrant.  My dad is a red head with more freckles then skin who dedicated his life to doing drug prevention in Nevada's school districts.  My father immigrated from Canada, but according to people idea of what bad is that is what he was and illegal immigrant who would be sent back.  Yet no one ever did, no one even questioned him because although he was an immigrant he looked american.  And that is what america is pushing people to become, is this typical american person, white, educated and well versed.  This idea of what an ideal american is, is forcing people to change who they are, even if they are legally here, they are having a forced assimilation upon them so they move away from their culture and into ours.  Immigrants are being forced to dress white, act white, talk white, and seem white.  No wonder Michael Jackson went crazy and died his skin  a fully different color.  This forced assimilation and racial profiling is not based on where or not you are an undocumented/ documented worker but rather on wither or not you have been westernized.

Buget cuts, for once a good thing?

There was a segment on CBS's evening news recently about the release of undocumented workers from jail or detention as budget cuts are coming towards ICE.  These undocumented workers have been detained due to things such as: broken tail light, speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign.  It is there type of people being released, yet many "Americans"are in uproar about this.  They have this mindset that ICE is allowing pedophiles  and rapists back onto the street, when it is really just moms, dads, students, just regular people trying to make a better life for themselves.  These undocumented workers are now forced to where an ankle bracelet so that ICE can keep track of them.  By putting this policy into place they now are spending an average of 14 dollars a day on one person vs 146 that they were before.  To put it into perspective the average public school kid get 29 dollars a day for their education. So in order to detain these "criminals" and by criminals I mean hard working members of society we depend over 110 dollars a day on them over what we spend on our children.  If we are going to spend that kind of money on anyone shouldn't it be to improve them, instead of harm them?

What the White House is saying

I was looking into Obamas website on his immigration reform polices. Once again like with any politicians his reform website is very positive but quite contradicting.  Obama states in one portion "We are the first nation to be founded for the sake of an idea—the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny. That’s why centuries of pioneers and immigrants have risked everything to come here…the future is ours to win. But to get there, we cannot stand still."
Sounds beautiful, and this is the exact speech that one Obama the election, he is amazing at speaking and making you feel like we are going to a place of rainbows and butterflies.  But unfortunately he contradicts this statement complexly by his action according to the same website
"Over the last three years, the Obama Administration has dedicated unprecedented resources to secure our borders, taken important steps to make our interior and worksite enforcement smarter and more effective"
What he means by securing our borders is detaining undocumented immigrants and ripping families apart.  So if what America was built on is this idea that everyone deserves a chance to improve their life why are we refusing them that right?  We can’t say that we are pro immigrant but anti illegal immigrant, it just does not work like that.  If we want to change the way immigration is preformed it should not be by spending billions of dollars on destroying peoples lives, it should rather be on figuring out a way for immigration to become less difficult, as well as expanding resources to foreign countries.  If we help Mexico, fewer will want to come the America, and isn’t that what we want?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jeb Bush

In Jeb Bush's new book "Immigration Wars" he makes the statement that there should be no path to citizenship for illegal immigrants to become citizens.  That makes about as much sense as if your dog pooped on the carpet once and you send it back to the pound right away.  Although overstaying a visa, or entering the USA without documentation is illegal, it is not a fellony.  Everyone breaks the law on a semi regular basis, I mean who really stops fully at stop signs? But does that mean we should be sent to jail because of it?   The answer is no, if we wouldn't do it to ourselves then why would we do it to others?  
He also states that in order for dreamers to become "citizens" they must show no serious crimes, must have a GED/ Hight school or served in our armed forces, then they can apply and in five years they may get citizenship.  Although I am not 100% for the Dreamers act as is, the fact that these people who have lived basically their whole life in the USA and who have become members of this society have to wait 5 years for a piece of paper I find a bit ridiculous.
"It must be a basic perquisite for citizenship to respect the rule of the law."  States Jeb, well in that case count me out, I cant be a citizen myself.  I wont lie I have broken the law there is no doubt about that, but does that mean I don't have what I need to be a citizen?  Yes I have a piece of paper stating I was born in the USA, but I may not make as big of a contribution to our Nation as someone who does not.  You know the saying "Well behaved women rarely make history."  It is the same for everything else, we need people who do not constantly follow the law in order to make social changes in society.  So if always following the rules was truly what it meant to be American, well we would all be screwed.

Monday, February 11, 2013


This cartoon depicts a lot about what americans think the border is like.  But this is just not true, a lot of people don't realize that immigrants many times die on the journey to America.  This cartoon depicts that American government just gives away tJobs, Education, Healthcare away easily.  Which is just not true, Immigrants often find jobs more easily not due to us giving them way, but because they look for them. They also often take jobs that would otherwise not be taken.  Such as cleaning, construction, and other jobs that people born in America often do not want.

Immigration in the past

Prop 187 in California was a huge turning point in Americas view of Immigrants.  It shows the distaste for Immigrants being brought into American Culture.  The fact is that immigrants who have stayed in the US Illegally pay more taxes then they will ever receive.  They still pay income tax, sales tax, and all other taxes, yet they cannot reap the benefits either.  I think the distaste for these so called "illegals" comes from our fear of the unknown.  America has always been a place for prospect, but now that we feel entitled to things just for being American, we feel that we have earned that right, and are afraid of people taking them away.  Because Americans are seen as the best, at least by themselves, they feel threatened by people who work harder for less.  Immigrants although may have done something illegal (but who hasn't?) do not feel  as entitled so they are willing to work harder.  But because they work harder, does that give us the right to hate them?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Change is the only Constant

We live in an ever changing world.  The world we live in differs from the world our parents lived in. Just as their world is different then their parents world.  Back when I was a business major I learned tone statement that has stuck with me.  There is only one constant in this world, and that is change.  But this statement puzzles me.  If change is constant then why are we afraid of it?  Dos this mean that we are constantly in fear?  Politics is chaining, every day it changes a little bit more, whereas Society is changing everyday to, just at a much faster rate.  Politics have a hard time keeping up, but when they do they are constantly thrashed by the public for being to out there.  Why is this?  Its because society is changing with the younger generation, yet the voters are the older generation.  As a 20 year old student who votes I am a minority.  Older people have more time and more resources to vote, as well as make their opinions known.  Between my 18 credits and 4 jobs I nearly don't have time to vote...(but I do.)  This is where the issue lies, the voters come form the old age, yet the societal changes come from the new ages.  The article "A Generation Gap Over Immigration" points this out perfectly.  The social norm now is assimilation.  These "illegals" as older people call them are our "peers," "teammates," "domestic Partners," "etc."  They are not these awful no good very bad people  they are just people like us who aspire to be all that they are meant to be.  Most young adult share in this ideology of immigrants, but we tend to be too intertwined with our own life to actually say something about it. Whereas the older folks have more time to scream and shout, picket the town halls, and make their views heard!  So people are wondering why immigration tends to not go in the way of how society is going...well there you have it.